Conversation With God

Conversation With God

Man: God?

God: Yes?

Man: Can I ask you something?

God: Of course!

Man: What is for you a million years?

God: A second.

Man: And a million dollars?

God: A penny.

Man: God, Can you give me a penny?

God: Sure. Wait a second.

Ron’s Comment on “Conversation With God”

Dear Friends,

Did you know that the official motto of the US corporate plutocracy is:

“In God We Trust”?

Significantly that motto appears on all US paper currency and coins.

The foregoing is an imaginary whimsical conversation with God initiated by a devout worshiper, who is apparently confused about God’s true identity.

May it remind us that God is LOVE, not money.

And so may  it be!
Ron Rattner


  1. Adriene on June 17, 2013 at 1:12 am

    Ha! That’s amazing. LOL