Silly Sutras Site Dedication

This Silly Sutras place in cyberspace
is dedicated to all life everywhere.
Our intention is freely to share ideas and images
– often whimsically –
which help us awaken to our infinite potentiality,
and thereby to co-create a better reality.

Just as dreamers ‘create’ their dreams,
together we are a ‘dream-team’,
dreaming our world into being; and,
consciously or unconsciously creating a ‘common dream’.
Still, too many are yet unconscious and unaware.
So our world is a world with much needless
peril, suffering and sadness.

But more and more we dreamers are awakening
to become conscious common dreamers.
And as we ever awaken,
we shall consciously and cooperatively
participate to co-create an ever better reality –
as we intend, intuit, and imagine it to be.

So with heartfelt gratitude for Life on this precious planet,
we dedicate  this cyberspace place.
May the Universe empower us to realize together
our common dream for a better world
where everyone everywhere is happy.

“Infuse us, enthuse us, and use us to bless all Life as Love.”