Posts Tagged ‘Humor’
Conversation With God
Conversation With God
Man: God?
God: Yes?
Man: Can I ask you something?
God: Of course!
Man: What is for you a million years?
God: A second.
Man: And a million dollars?
God: A penny.
Man: God, Can you give me a penny?
God: Sure. Wait a second.
Ron’s Comment on “Conversation With God”
Dear Friends,
Did you know that the official motto of the US corporate plutocracy is:
“In God We Trust”?
Significantly that motto appears on all US paper currency and coins.
The foregoing is an imaginary whimsical conversation with God initiated by a devout worshiper, who is apparently confused about God’s true identity.
May it remind us that God is LOVE, not money.
And so may it be!
Ron Rattner