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A Golden Compass ~ by Hafiz

“It is written on the gate of heaven:
Nothing in existence is more powerful than destiny.
And destiny brought you here, to this page,
which is part of your ticket – as all things are –
to return to God.”
~ Hafiz

A Golden Compass
~ by Hafiz

Forget every idea of right and wrong any classroom ever taught you

Because an empty heart, a tormented mind, unkindness, jealousy and fear
Are always the testimony you have been completely fooled!

Turn your back on those who would imprison your wondrous spirit
With deceit and lies.

Come, join the honest company of the King’s beggars –

Those gamblers, scoundrels and divine clowns and those astonishing fair courtesans
Who need Divine Love every night.

Come, join the courageous who have no choice but to bet their entire world
That indeed, indeed, God is real.

I will lead you into the circle of the Beloved’s cunning thieves,

Those playful royal rogues, the ones you can trust for true guidance –
Who can aid you in this blessed calamity of life.

Hafiz, look at the Perfect One at the circle’s center:

He spins and whirls like a Golden Compass, beyond all that is rational,

To show this dear world that everything, everything in existence
Does point to God.

~ Hafiz

Translation from: I Heard God Laughing ~ by Daniel James Ladinsky

Video of “A Golden Compass”
Audio: La Illaha Illa Allah – Manish Vyas with voice of Ma Prem Sarasa

A Golden Compass ~ by Hafiz

Ron’s Comment on Poetry of Hafiz (1320-1389)

Though Hafiz lived 700 years ago, he remains the most beloved poet of Persia (Iran). Just as many Western people keep copies of the bible in their homes, many Persian and Iranian ancestry people keep copies of Hafiz’ writings which they consider the pinnacle of Persian wisdom. 

To Persians, the poems of Hafiz are not “classical literature” from a remote past, but cherished perennial wisdom from a dear friend. Some consider Hafiz’ writings unique in world literature, with poetry that celebrates every expression of divine love.

Thus, Poet Jason Espada, says:

“The lyrics of Hafiz overflow with a profound appreciation of the beauty and richness of life when seen through the eyes of love. With unerring insight, he explores the feelings and motives associated with every level of love, tracing each nuance of emotion in depth and detail. His poetry outlines the
stages of the mystic’s “path of love” that journey of inner unfolding in which love dissolves personal boundaries and limitations to join larger processes of growth and transformation. Through these processes, human love becomes divine love and the lover merges ultimately with the source and goal of all love, which Hafiz calls the Divine Beloved.

Because of the nuanced subtlety of Hafiz’ original sublime language, his words can be difficult to translate. But in this English translation, by mystically sensitive interpreter Daniel Ladinsky, Hafiz’ message of Divine Love is powerfully communicated.

Thus, I feel that “A Golden Compass” and the other Hafiz poems and sayings quoted on are the amongst the most beautiful and deeply insightful postings on the entire website.

So enjoy “A Golden Compass” which communicates how everything in and beyond the perceptible Universe leads to and is God –as LOVE. And while reading the Hafiz verses I recommend that you listen to the above embedded audio of the powerfully sung Sufi remembrance of God prayer: La Illaha Illa Allah.

Thus may we remember that “beyond all that is rational”,

Everything is holy.
All is God,
And only God is “real”.

And so may it be!

Ron Rattner


  1. Daniel Ladinsky on May 7, 2021 at 8:21 am

    A great thanks for sharing something from my
    four Hafiz books, now all with Penguin. Those
    700 poems/renderings are really such a part of
    my heart and life.

    And seeing this for the first time today.

    Daniel Ladinsky
    May 7, 2021