Advaita-Vedanta For Dummies
~ You are not what you think you are!
~ Ron’s Memoirs
“Consciousness is always Self-Consciousness.
If you are conscious of anything, you are essentially conscious of yourself.”
~ Sri Ramana Maharshi
“Personal entity and enlightenment cannot go together.”
~ Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
“You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
~ John 8:32
“You are “gods”; you are all children of the Most High.”
~ Psalm 82: 6
“Your own will is all that answers prayer,
only it appears under the guise of different religious conceptions to each mind.
We may call it Buddha, Jesus, Krishna, but it is only the Self, the ‘I’.”
~ Swami Vivekananda
Essence Of Advaita
E = mc2 = Consciousness
Subject = Object = Consciousness
~ Ron Rattner, Sutra Sayings
Theory of Everything:
E = mc2 = Consciousness = SELF.
~ Ron Rattner, Sutra Sayings

Sri Ramana Maharshi
Ron’s Introduction to “Advaita-Vedanta For Dummies”
Dear Friends,
Thirty years ago, after my midlife spiritual awakening and during a long post-retirement period of meditation, prayer, and introspection I “channelled” the following sutra-poem about Advaita-Vedanta.
Advaita-Vedanta means non-dualism, and is the oldest extant school of Hindu philosophy.
With the above quotations, and following explanations, this sutra-poem expresses my previously unimagined insights about our true spiritual Self-identity and ultimate Reality.
These insights are especially important now because of auspicious astrological planetary alignments, and quickened cosmic energies favorable to spiritual evolution, which are elevating a “critical mass” of humanity toward unprecedented 5D lasting happiness beyond suffering in illusory 3D matrix reality,
So I have updated this posting and dedicate it to our inclusion in the awakening “critical mass”, and attainment of lasting happiness in these extraordinary times.
May we consider and enjoy it accordingly!
Ron Rattner
“You are not what you think you are!”
You are not what you think you are:
You are not a person, or a personality.
You are not a body, or a nobody.
You are not your mind, or your thoughts.
You are infinite Eternal Awareness.
You are the screen, not the movie.
You are Rama, not the drama.
You are the glory, not the story.
You are the Whole, not your role.
So, wake up, and –
Transcend entity identity!
Ron’s audio recitation of “You are not what you think you are!”
Ron’s explanation and dedication of Advaita-Vedanta For Dummies
Dear Friends,
As revealed by the foregoing quotations and sutra-verses, we’re not what we think we are, but Infinite Eternal Awareness!
Until midlife I self-identified only with my mortal physical body, its thoughts and story, and believed that bodily death ended life.
But I was then blessed with ever increasing happiness and peace of mind, after a synchronistic spiritual awakening, which revealed previously unimagined insights about our true Self-identity and ultimate Reality. The foregoing quotations and sutra-poem summarize these insights.
Since launching the SillySutras website in 2010, I’ve been sharing these insights to inspire and encourage our ever increasing happiness and peace of mind by realizing and choosing our ultimate reality as non-duality, beyond the ego-mind illusion of being supposedly separate persons apart from each other and all sentient life-forms on our precious planet.
Such insights are especially important in current turbulent and troubled times, because they provide a rare opportunity for a “critical mass” of humankind to compassionately transform the world, by elevating us to unprecedented lasting 5D happiness beyond suffering in the illusory 3D matrix reality.
And such a “critical mass” can transcend current insanely unsustainable ecological desecration of precious planet Earth, and end barbaric exploitation of vulnerable beings and other life-forms, which threaten Earth life as we’ve known it.
Moreover, such a “critical mass” of humanity is furthered by current auspicious astrological planetary alignments, and by exceptionally quickened cosmic energies favorable to spiritual evolution.
Concluding observations and dedication
Although much of humanity continues to suffer illusory separation from each other and Nature, many others are awakening.
Deeply disturbed by irrational and immoral interruptions of their normal lives, more and more people are compassionately awakening to our sacred connection with, and deep moral responsibility to cherish and lovingly preserve, all life on our precious planet Earth.
Therefore, this updated Advaita-Vedanta For Dummies posting is dedicated to inspiring the spiritual awakening of a “critical mass” of our global family, and thereby our attainment of unprecedented happiness in these unusually troubled times, until our ultimate spiritual Self Realization – as Infinite Non-Duality Reality.
And so may it be!
Ron Rattner